Sunday, February 9, 2014

Busy and lazy weeks

Hello everyone and sorry about this _very long_ delay D: I have been kinda depressed lately and on this week I have had things concerned to our prom and moreover I have been very excited about next week because then we have many special happenings :)

In the introduction I mentioned that I have been depressed. It's sad, but true and it's caused by math lessons where we have talked about propability calculus and that's one of those things in maths I'm not understanding. I have tried hard to do my homework but sometimes without any result. But last week we started to talk about things I understand and now I'm happier than ever during this (stupid) maths course ^~^

Other subjects have been OK, but I don't understand some things in physics course so I think I just go to ask help from the teacher :) I love physics lessons but those formulas are something.. argh. I already had english course's exam because that course was for candidates for the matriculation examination. It means that I have one exam less in the official exam week so I have "only" three exams on that week. Luckily that week's Monday (3-day-weekend, yay!) and Thursday are free days when I just can stay at home whole day (OK, not all day because I'm always visiting at school for lunch :3 ). And it's not long for our "winter holiday" which lasts for one week and then 5th term starts.

And our prom *realized that I haven't told about that* - I'm the another host there. I'm hosting it with one girl of same age and last week's Tuesday we were at their practises for the first time. On upcoming Monday we have dress rehearsal at the place where we have prom on Thursday evening and on Friday morning. In the Friday morning we are also on my school to performs those dances and later on that day we are going to eat at local "hotel" (it's kinda little and second of those two "hotels" we have here) but they make good food (I have heard). And on that evening we 2nd year students have our own parties outside the city and we have even a DJ there.

P.S. Here are some songs I have found lately :)

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